Personal advice: 0032 3 296 07 94
Skills in handling hazardous materials (repetition possible)
Target group
Managers or employees of port, distribution, forwarding, storage and transshipment companies or other companies where hazardous substances are physically handled. The environmental permit of these companies stipulates that at least one competent person must be present during operations to combat and prevent incidents involving hazardous substances.
Prior education
Minimum of VMBO or equivalent level.
The course consists of the following modules:
- Hazardous properties, including use of chemistry charts.
- Personal protective equipment.
- Handling and fighting incidents with hazardous substances, theory and practice.
- Storage and transshipment regulations, including the PGS 15 guideline.
- Legislation on transport of hazardous substances.
- Use of small extinguishers, theory and practice.
- Examination training
Examination and certification is conducted by the competent authorities division.
Those who pass receive a certificate of competence in handling dangerous substances from the competent authorities. The certificate is valid for 5 years and can be extended by passing a recertification examination six months or more before its expiry date. For the competent authorities and controlling bodies this certificate is proof that the person has the required level of competence.
- Cursusdata/Course data:
- Cursusdata: In consultation
- Duur/Duration: 5 days spread over 5 weeks. Repetition 3 days over 3 weeks. 09:00 - 15:30
- Kosten/Cost:
Open registration kost in consultation and authorities exam fee.
Recurrence kost in consutation and authorities exam fee.Coffee, tea, water and lunch are provided.
Repeat! You can follow the entire course for the repetition rate in consultation
- Locatie/Location:
Training in-company
Spijkenisse (NL)
Edisonweg 7-18
3208 KB Spijkenisse
Antwerpen (BE)
In process
Storage of packaged hazardous substances and CMR substances PGS 15
Target group
Employees of companies and distribution centers working in the storage of packaged hazardous materials and CMR substances.
Minimum of a VMBO diploma or professional competence in handling dangerous goods.
The following topics will be covered during this training:
- Hazardous properties
- Introduction PGS-15
- General guidelines regardless of the quantity of hazardous substances
- Storage facilities larger than 10 000 kg
- Facilities for the temporary storage of packaged hazardous substances
- Storage of gas cylinders aerosols and gas cartridges
- Storage of packaged hazardous substances ADR classes 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3
- Storage of a limited quantity of organic peroxides
- Requirements for the storage of (tank) containers
On the last afternoon of the training course an exam will be held.
If the result is satisfactory, the participant will receive a certificate.
This course can also be tailor-made for your company.
- Cursusdata/Course data:
- Cursusdata: 14 en 21 October
- Cursusdata: 3 and 10 DEC.
- Start at minimum 6 registrations
- Duur/Duration: 2 days of 6 class hours, from 09.00 - 16.00.
- Kosten/Cost:
Initial 350€ ex vat
Customized training PGS-15? Please contact us for the possibilities - Locatie/Location:
training in-company
Antwerpen (BE)
In the Port Area
ADR Basic and Tank
The official ADR certificate
As a certified training provider, we provide full training for the ADR certificate. You can choose from ADR basis and the modules tank, on request you can also follow the modules class 1 and class 7.
Our training courses count towards the Code-95.
The training is given on weekdays.
Target group
Every professional driver who transports dangerous goods on the basis of the European ADR Treaty and who is in possession of an ADR professional skills certificate.
Hazardous substances ADR training course
The training is tailored to the examination requirements of the competent authorities. Our training meets the European requirements for training institutions as stated in the ADR Convention. To obtain the ADR certificate, you must pass the basic exam.
Use and application of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code with regulations for the maritime transport of dangerous goods in packaged form, including transport tanks, tankers and bulk containers.
- General regulations applicable to the transport of dangerous goods;
- the main types of danger;
- preventive measures and safety precautions;
- measures to be taken in the event of an accident;
- fire and firefighting;
- accident prevention and control;
- labeling and marking, for the purpose of hazard identification;
- rules for the driver when transporting dangerous substances;
- purpose and operation of technical equipment of vehicles;
- prohibitions of mixed loading in the same vehicle or container;
- precautions to be taken during the loading and unloading of dangerous goods;
- requirements for packages, handling and stowage.
Content additional module tank
- The driving behavior of vehicles, including the movement of cargo;
- Special regulations relating to vehicles;
- General theoretical knowledge of the various different loading and unloading systems of the vehicles;
- Special additional conditions regarding the use of these vehicles (inspection documents, approval marks, marking and labeling, etc.).
Cost & Duration
ADR Basic (14 hours refresher course) €360,-
3 days over 3 weeks
ADR Basic + Tank (14 hours refresher course) €440,-
4 days spread over 4 weeks
Refresher courses
ADR Basic (14 hours refresher course) €335,-
2 days spread over 2 weeks
ADR Basic + Tank (14 hours of refresher training) €385,-
3 days spread over 3 weeks
The training ADR including class 1 and 7 can be arranged on request
Mentioned amounts are:
- Exclusive of VAT
- Exclusive of registration and cancellation costs for refresher course code 95 of €23,- per day
- Including ADR exams
- including teaching materials
- Coffee, tea, water and lunch
- Cursusdata/Course data:
- Cursusdata: In consultation
- Duur/Duration: See course description
- Kosten/Cost:
See detailed explanation in text.
- Locatie/Location:
Training in-copany
Spijkenisse (NL)
Edisonweg 7-18
3208KB Spijkenisse
Antwerpen (BE)
In process
Code 95 ADR Exemptions
Target group
Drivers who transport limited quantities of hazardous substances such as under 1000 points, limited quantities and exempted quantities. For this, an ADR Basic certificate is not necessary, but the driver must be able to demonstrate that there has been training. This training is very suitable for this and meets the requirements as stated in the ADR.
Prior education
Minimum of VMBO or equivalent level.
- What are hazardous substances?
- National and international legislation
- Obligations in the transport chain
- Hazard classes, packaging groups and UN numbers
- Packaging requirements
- Marking and labeling of packages
- ADR exemptions
- Extinguishing media
- Calamities
Coffee, tea, water and lunch will be provided.
At the end of the day there will be a test and the student will receive a certificate. This is proof that the driver has received training.
The driver will receive 7 code-95 points for this training course.
- Cursusdata/Course data:
- Cursusdata: In consultation
- Duur/Duration: 1 day from 08:00 – 16:00
- Kosten/Cost:
Kost in consultation, including registration fee. Coffee, tea, water and lunch will be provided.
- Locatie/Location:
Training in-company
Spijkenisse (NL)
Edisonweg 7-18
3208 KB Spijkenisse
Antwerpen (BE)
In process
The training can also be provided in-company.