Legal basis

The chapter 2 (RD 7 May 2007 art. 2 and 14.1 dec. 1 Dec 1975) of the European Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (also covered by sea). Chapters 3, 9 and 10 require that persons who have duties in relation to the transport, loading and unloading of goods are trained according to the requirements of the transport, and loading and unloading of goods for their responsibilities and duties.

Target group

Employees of inspections, shipping companies, manufacturers, shipping, freight forwarding, stevedoring, transport, storage and distribution companies.


Use and application of national and international regulations for the road and sea transport of goods in packaged form, namely;

European directives on securing cargo for road transport (May 16, 2006)

  • VDI (United German Engineers)
    - Gives guidelines for the securing of cargo during road transport
  • CTU (cargo transport unit)
    - Provides advice and recommendations on loading and securing cargo in containers, on flats, etc.
  • IMO (International Maritime Organization)
    - Gives advice and recommendations for shipping.

Depending on the client's wishes, the following topics are covered to a greater or lesser extent:

  • Why
  • What the law says
  • Responsibility
  • Rules and regulations
  • Forces
  • Influences on movements
  • Structure of the vehicle
  • Straps and accessories
  • Methods of calculation
  • The calculation

Specific attention is paid to handling in Containers (self-loading unit), so we support logistic companies in their daily operations, thus reducing rejection by surveyors at sea terminals. (Cost saving)


If desired, the course can be concluded with a test.

Participants receive a certificate of participation or a certificate showing that a pass grade has been achieved for the exam.